Hey there fabulous gals!! Many of you are here on this blog because someone distorted "love" in a totally FU*^@#%ED UP way! Your father/brother/cousin/uncle/stepfather told you he "loved" you as he sexually abused you! You have had to learn to really love yourself. Let's talk about the ways in which you now love yourselves. It can be as simple as putting on a sweater when you are cold, or as sweet as treating yourself to a cupcake when you feel like having a sweet. Share the love!
Wednesday, October 13
Wednesday, September 22
How to Handle Triggers....
Hello wonderful gals! Sorry I have not put up a new blog in a while.... I have been busy maintaining "Invisible Girls" facebook page. But let's get back into the saddle with the blogs!
Okay, many girls talk about how hard it is sometimes when they get triggered and they don't quite know what to say or do. You could be at a friends house and her brother may put his little sister or cousin on his lap- it could be totally innocent but you get triggered.... You could be at a movie and suddenly there is a scene that makes you get up and go to the rest room- you could be in class and someone taps you on the shoulder and you jump..... How do you handle triggers? What are some of your personal triggers?
Let's help each other with this- any ideas, solutions, success?!
xo dr. p
Posted by
Dr Patti
6:48 PM
Saturday, April 10
Book Readings!! Philly and Baltimore
Hi Girls- If any of you are from the Philly area please come and say hi this weekend Sunday and / or Monday in Philly - April 11th and 12th . I am doing readings at Wooden Shoes on Sunday night and Robin Books on Monday night.
On April 24th I am reading in Baltimore at Red Emmas Freeschool-
Love to meet you! xo dr. p
Posted by
Dr Patti
7:33 AM
Friday, March 19
Girlthrive Inc. Giving Away 5 Copies of "Invisible Girls" !!
The "Invisible Girls" facebook page has almost 1,000 fans. I am finding that some of you fans do not even have a copy of "Invisible Girls"- So list 5 ways you heal and thrive after abuse- If you already have received your copy and done this before but want to add ways to heal - go for it- but let's give the books to those who don't have their own yet! xoxoxoxo dr. p
Posted by
Dr Patti
4:55 AM
Tuesday, March 9
Girlthrive Photo Project and Youtube Project!
Hey there Gals!
Go to the "donate to girlthrive" link and check out our gorgeus brochure. It is gorgeus because many of your photos are on there!! I am doing a girlthrive photo project- I want to add more photos to the Girlthrive Inc. brochure and also put a page on the site- Let's put together lots and lots of faces of sex abuse- faces that are moving forward, moving on, moving beyond sex abuse! The world needs to see the many different faces of the girls and young women who refuse to let sex abuse ruin their lives!! Just email me your photo and I will send you a release form in the snail mail. Let's represent! Different cities, different countries!
I am also going to make a film with girls reading from "Invisible Girls" - Let me know if you are interested and we can start with Youtube-
Give me your ideas!
You go girls!! xoxox dr. p
Posted by
Dr Patti
9:11 AM
Monday, March 1
My Incest Mother Rant!
Ok girls, I have the need to rant on this blog entry!! I have had it with incest mothers- I have had it. Fathers, well they are men- I do not expect as much from them. Of course any incest father is a total monster in my view- I have hatred and venum for any one who molests a child, teen, young person- But the mothers!! This past month I have had 5 girls call me and cry to me about their mothers. These girls are not my "clients" not girls that I see in my office for therapy. These are you girls, my bloggers, my Girlthrive girls- We know each other through the internet mostly- some of you have had Girlthrive Inc. Scholarships- we connect - but we may live across the country. I have had 5 of you reach out to me this past week because your f&&%$###ing mothers are driving you crazy. They are "reaching out" and saying how much they need you, miss you.... love you. Come on! Of course they are driving you crazy, because more than anything you want them to actually mean those words. But they DON'T. They want to use you, abuse you, make you feel guilty, make you feel that somehow the incest is your fault. They want you to feel as if maybe if you did not tell everything would have been just dandy. They want you to believe that you have broken up an otherwise functional family. They want you to be sorry for the abuse- Did you hear that, I will say it again. These incest mothers want you to be sorry for the abuse! I have had it with these incest mothers. Let one of them dare to call me, let one of them dare to try to speak to me- I will tell her that you are wonderful daughters, beautiful, bright and precious girls. You are girls that have been beaten down by abuse that you never deserved. I would tell these incest mothers that they had a priviledge to be mothers to girls, they had the honor of having daughters- I would tell them that they should be ashamed of themselves, they should know better. I would tell them that no matter how much abuse they themselves may have suffered through that it is no excuse to let their daughters suffer. I would tell them to leave you all alone, and let you get on with your lives. I would tell them that the mother daughter relationship is such an honor. I would tell them to let you wonderful daughters move on. Find new families, girls you all deserve to be away from the abusive lying mothers that allowed your fathers and your step fathers to abuse you. You deserve love and care and support. I have had it with incest mothers!! xoxox love, dr. p
Posted by
Dr Patti
5:54 PM
Thursday, January 21
Thriving after Triggers.....
Moving on is about thriving- sometimes there are triggers that are really upsetting- do you have triggers? Tell us how you have conquered your triggers- I talk about a girl in "Invisible Girls" who's father used to abuse her in the tub. It took her some years, but she took over the experience of bathing- she lights candles and plays her favorite music. She has taken over the bathing experience! How have you conquered your triggers!
Posted by
Dr Patti
4:47 AM

About "Invisible Girls"
- Dr Patti
- United States
- "Invisible Girls" tells the truth about sexual abuse as no other book has! Rather than me telling you how the book is touching girls around the world, I will tell you what they are saying! Now in 2009 we have our new and revised edition of "Invisible Girls" - we have added 100 pages, a chapter about prostituion as sex abuse, a chapter filled with emails recieved over the past 5 years- Please check out our 2nd edition! xo dr. p "Invisible Girls has saved my life. I was afraid that I was the only girl keeping these secrets, and when I read "Invisible Girls" I starting telling about my abuse, and suddenly I knew I could be alright"- Sue 18 years old "Invisible Girls" is short of a miracle- I read it whenever I feel alone. It helps me to deal and grow and go on."- Tamar 17 years old "Until I read "Invisible Girls" I was afraid to tell what happened to me. Now my mum is supportive and I know I can heal" Britney 14 years old