I have been so upset and confused by the latest bust of the polygamy compound in Texas. I am totally confused about how this is possible. How is it that in the United States that men are allowed to marry more than one woman- or should i say girl.... What I do not understand is how it is possible that this bust has taken place because of one girl calling and saying she has been abused. Don't the police know about this compound?! How come it has taken this long to go in and take the children away from this crazy abuse?????!! I saw the women on the news and they seemed so robotic, so totally hypnotized into believing that all is well with their lifestyle. I also saw some of the gross 50 and 60 year old men that "marry" these 15,16,17,18, year old girls. YUCK! This is incest, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, you name it. It is totally WRONG!!!! I know that many of my clients get triggered when this kind of thing is on the news. I am sorry that it is happening in this Century, and I am sorry that as a nation we are all so blind and helpless that this goes on. Thank goodness someone came forward - thank goodness that the judge is taking time for these children to have time away from the compound while details are being sorted out. Thank goodness one young woman came forward and TOLD!! I can only hope that this will set some sort of precedent for other polygamist compounds- instead of hiding, I hope we will bust in and take the children and the women and De-program them- Thanks for listening to my rant! xo dr. patti
Sunday, April 20
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About "Invisible Girls"
- Dr Patti
- United States
- "Invisible Girls" tells the truth about sexual abuse as no other book has! Rather than me telling you how the book is touching girls around the world, I will tell you what they are saying! Now in 2009 we have our new and revised edition of "Invisible Girls" - we have added 100 pages, a chapter about prostituion as sex abuse, a chapter filled with emails recieved over the past 5 years- Please check out our 2nd edition! xo dr. p "Invisible Girls has saved my life. I was afraid that I was the only girl keeping these secrets, and when I read "Invisible Girls" I starting telling about my abuse, and suddenly I knew I could be alright"- Sue 18 years old "Invisible Girls" is short of a miracle- I read it whenever I feel alone. It helps me to deal and grow and go on."- Tamar 17 years old "Until I read "Invisible Girls" I was afraid to tell what happened to me. Now my mum is supportive and I know I can heal" Britney 14 years old
This so should not allowed!! I'm sick and tired of hearing things like this! Congrats to the person that called in!! It was the right thing to do! I know if I were to go back to my country they practice the same sort of thing, but different country, so no laws! I hate it when people do that! Sorry it makes me so angry! The old men marrying a 16 year old? I'm sorry but he has lived his life let this 16 year old live!!! Why destroy her life!! My heart goes out to all the females living with this sort of thing! It is not right!! It has to be stopped! I really hope the courts make the RIGHT DECISION!!!!!
I agree that this thing is so wrong I have grown up in an abusive home and the sad thing is, is that my religion is the bases of what they teach. Short expo. the church that is all over the nuws about the polygamy is FLDS and I'm LDS the LDS church used to practice this until a manafasto was put out by one of our "phophets" to stop polygamy or you'll get excommunicated so that is when the beleives of the doctrine decided to contunue polygamy and they were excommunicated and namned themselves FLDS. Now they commit polygamy because they believe that a man needs at least three wifes and the more you have the higher up in the kingdom of heaven one will go to. A women has to be extemely obendient to her husband and have as many kids as possible. and that the only way she can get to heaven is if her husband calls her name once there both dead. so she needs a man to get into heaven. also there are the boys that many people forget about this is because you hear about the abuse on the girls and non on the boys as there soon to be preators. the issue on the boys is that once they reach a certain age they're excommucated for stupid things like music or dress but the truth is because there competion so there kicked out of the compound with very little education and into a world that they were taught was evil and devil worshipers.
Now don'r get me wrong I'm not supporting the ways of the FLDS and I'm very glad that a call was made and it was finally found out but I just wantothers to see that they are doing this because of there religion. I know because the teachings of the LDS still go by this but is unpracticed. Currently I'm working on getting my slef removed from the church as I disagree with alot of there teaching exceally when it comes to saying that the abused child must repent for there sins which makes the child feel as if it's her fault. another story. anywho thanks for listening to my rant.
from a young lady whom knows the foundations of there practies.
I've been watching the news lately and the girl who called was actually a false call made by a woman whom wasn't even part of the compound but because of the call it did lead to the finding out about the aompound which I'm glad to hear about. So even though her call was fake it was used for a means to an end so in this case it was a good thing.
I feel sorry for the children and the women of this sect because they're being "educated" to believe in this and being very very subservetant to there husband, I also feel symphany to the young men because they will eventually get kicked out because there competetion. any ways i also understand that it wasn't this bad until warren claimed himself as phophet. which in fact he really isn't because he wasn't ordained as his dad beleived he would live until christ second coming so he never gave the blessing to anyone, so by the FLDS faith he is phophet and yet they follow him with blind faith. I'll end it here as I don't want it to be too long, anywho to the anonymous comment above I too understand where you are coming from as I'm also LDS.
(and to the readers there is a differnace between FLDS and LDS; FLDS is on the news and does polygamy and LDS DOES NOT do pulral marrage as it is means for immediate excommuncation.)
Dear Anonomous and Sarah,
Wow, thanks so much for your personal insights. If you are willing I (and I am sure many other readers) would love to know more about your experiences. I am ignorant to the different cults, but I am very interested in the culture. I belive it is so similar to incest families where the daughters are not protected by their mothers. I would be very curious to know how the young girls feel when their mothers give them up for sex and marriage to the older men in the Compound. Please please educate us and share more. It is so amazing to get this truth from women who have lived through it and/or know the indside of all this. Again, thank you so much for your sharing. And Mandy, yes I am with you, outraged. xoxo dr. patti
I saw this on Dr. Phil. I don't live in the states but it's always on the news. Even though it's what they practice, it still makes it wrong. I live in Canada but I learned about other countries that practice polygamy, it's just so wrong. They are just kids!!! They have a whole life infront of them! I cried watching this...
to find out more info in the LDS faith you can look at these church approved websites:
though they really don't go into the foundations of it and when they WERE practicing polygamy. Though thanks goodness this form of mormonism / LDS quit there practice lets just hope and pray that the rest of the forms of Mormonism / LDS denominations follow there lead and do away with it as well.
Here are SOME of the reasons on why I want to leave the LDS church
Brain washing and the Reinforcing of brain washing by Mormon church leaders.
Following are some of the answers to questions given by Church officials in order to reinforce brain washing, which transfers faults of the Church, Joseph Smith or church leaders to rank and file members: The scholarly book The Mormon Conspiracy goes into further detail.
1. Some things haven’t been revealed yet and will be revealed to you later or in eternal life.
2. Lucifer wins a great victory when he can get members of the Church to speak against their leaders and do their own thinking.
3. You are not trying hard enough. Try harder and pray about it.
4. Or if a member of the Priesthood’s blessing does not cure a health problem: It is not the blessing that didn’t help you to overcome your sickness, it was your lack of faith. You need to have faith and pray about it.
5. Or if you don’t believe in the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, you don’t know enough about it to understand it. Here again, it’s not church leaders, God’s or Joseph Smith’s fault, it is your fault and you should feel guilty to question the word of God, Joseph Smith or church leaders.
6. If a person questions why they aren’t receiving the church’s promised blessings, You need to examine your life and see why you aren’t righteous enough to deserve these blessings.
7. If a member questions the church’s claim that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, or a fraud, You need to kneel down and pray about it and God will tell you that Joseph Smith is a true prophet.
8. Or a member questions church doctrine or practices, Pray about it “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”
9. If you question the authorities of the church, “You must not speak out against the Lord’s anointed.”
10. Or if a member violates a church rule, “Satan has gotten ahold of you, ask a member of the priesthood to remove Satan from your body.”
11. If you have written something critical of the church, “You are doing Satan’s work in attempting to harm the church.”
The Mormon Church applies brain washing by teaching that: Nothing is ever God’s, church leaders‘, or the church’s fault. It is always the fault of the member’s behavior or a misunderstanding of church doctrine, or that Satan has led you in the wrong direction. This is a carryover of brain washing from Joseph Smith, the founder of the church, who was very clever in always making the person feel guilty and responsible when he fails or questions church policy. Bishops and other church leaders generally give the same responses that Smith made to his followers. If you question church doctrine or the Book of Mormon, the Bishop or other church officials will tell you to read it again, be humble, remember you are a child of God, pray about it and he will tell you that it is true. Doubters of the truth of Mormonism are told that they are risking apostasy and separation from their families for eternity. This line is a powerful mind control tactic.
The following from an e-mail writer also describes ways to reinforce brain washing:
“I took 4 years of LDS seminary throughout high school just to realize how brainwashed these people really are. They truly believe in a blind faith that will take 10 percent of their earnings until the time of their death. Kids who receive the priesthood and then abandon the church are taught that they will spend an eternity in Hell, whereas if you murder millions of people, like Hitler did, the most time you can spend in hell is 1000 years.” These kids are forced to stick with the church on the belief that if they leave they are worse human beings in God’s eye than Hitler was.
A very comprehensive volume dealing with Mormon issues that most others who have written about the Mormon Church have left untouched, namely the political ambitions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and how they have become successful toward this goal, unnoticed by the majority of Americans. He has captured the " spirit of Mormonism" and understood the internal structure amazingly well without ever having been a Mormon. Dr. Wood's research and conclusions show originality and give helpful conclusions which open the reader's mind to see the true nature and plan of the LDS Church for America and the world.
This scholarly book was written by Charles L. Wood, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor at the University of Akron.
sorry not wanting to commit plagriasm above comment was taken from
though what is written here is pretty much how I feel
I have been reading about this too. It makes me sad that these girls are forced to marry at such young ages to such old me. It is sick.
But what also makes me sad is those children being taken from their mothers. Can you imagine how uprooted and upset those children must feel to not be with their mothers? I feel for them and for what they are going through.
I hope that the government gets a move on this case and figures it out soon.
After reading that i was so mad.But this is something that has been going on for years. Why are people we just taking acting now? This has been going on for years.
I was watching the news last night and people thinks that CPS may have taken it to far just because of their "religion" they think this because in Texas your allowed to take the men out of the situation and leave the kids with the mom and in this case they took the kids away from their mom when they counld have stayed with them if only they had taken thmen out which i personal feel would have been a better idea beacue what goes to say that the men would make the womemove agian and then just re do what they've been doing. So yeah they shoul've just taken the men and I hope that in the near fiture the kids will be able to go home with their mom and that all the men whom are doing this horrible thing are removed
I thought it was so sad to see the women/mothers and how brainwashed they were. Many of them seemed so numb. It was really sad. So many of them don't really know any different than the life they've led. I can imagine that it was very hard for them to be separated form their children, but I do see how very necessary it all was.
The tendency is to think that all the females are victims but not the males in this situation. Truly the men had the power, but one woman interviewed on television that had escaped the group a long time ago, made the comment that many of the men are victims too because they were raised from very very young to do this. Trained.......programmed, and abused. There are just people hurting everywhere from this whole situation.
My hope for these people is that they can find themselves..their true selves, see the world through clear eyes, find healing, and those family members that can be reunited in a healthy way are reunited.
I also hope that as a nation we can save other families living this same tragedy.
Easily I acquiesce in but I think the collection should have more info then it has.
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