Hi fabulous girls! I am revamping my site to have a section of photos and artwork and poetry from you fabulous girls!! So send me emails with some creativity! Pics of your art work, clay, jewelry, photography-
Thursday, September 17
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About "Invisible Girls"
- Dr Patti
- United States
- "Invisible Girls" tells the truth about sexual abuse as no other book has! Rather than me telling you how the book is touching girls around the world, I will tell you what they are saying! Now in 2009 we have our new and revised edition of "Invisible Girls" - we have added 100 pages, a chapter about prostituion as sex abuse, a chapter filled with emails recieved over the past 5 years- Please check out our 2nd edition! xo dr. p "Invisible Girls has saved my life. I was afraid that I was the only girl keeping these secrets, and when I read "Invisible Girls" I starting telling about my abuse, and suddenly I knew I could be alright"- Sue 18 years old "Invisible Girls" is short of a miracle- I read it whenever I feel alone. It helps me to deal and grow and go on."- Tamar 17 years old "Until I read "Invisible Girls" I was afraid to tell what happened to me. Now my mum is supportive and I know I can heal" Britney 14 years old
is this still in the making?
Yes please be in touch with your creations! xdr. p
Hey gals !! Come on !! So many of you have written to me through private emails and you have shared amazing poetry. Let's post it here- You can do so anonymously. xox dr. p
Close your eyes. Keep them pure and uncorrupted by the world. Protecting them from the images of unspeakables. Keeping the fairytale world alive.
Release the weathered door, rusted at it's hunges. Leave the delapadated confines behind and relearn how to flu, not letting your damaged wings hold you back.
Constant thoughts of blame easily convince a transparent and gullable soul that it deserves nothing but negatives. "You brought this all on yourself" it screams.
Sleepless nights, as memories flood the inside of eyelids, scrambling, clawing their way over and smothering the imagination of vivid dreams.
A timid heart tries in vain to push the world away, never experiencing the vast possibilities of good, just so the bad can never possibly happen. I see it pain you as you try and break through the armour.
Precariously tip toeing on a freying rope up high, clinging on for dear life, trying not to plummet to the thrashing waves of the life below.
Comments the spew from your toxic mouth slice across me, a pressure driven blade drawn against virgin skin.
A rainbow on the periphery distracts the outside eye, a paperthin covering, neatly wrapping dense, unknown darkness in a thousand shades of grey.
Before you stands a patch of dirt. You have the seeds, the abilty to create the most beautiful and full bloom you can ever imagine. Add water to life and watch it grow.
Nobody Came
Little girl with curly hair
Little girl cries many tears
Yet nobody hears
Little girl in her bed
Little girl with so much dread
Silent screams fill her head
Pinned down on the bed
Sounds of heavy breathing
Frightened beyond belief
She lay there waiting for it to end
Praying for help that never came
Nothing will ever be the same
In One Night
A small child once vibrant and whole
In one night her spirit you stole
That vibrant child became a hollow shell
You killed her spirit and caused her tears
Instead of love you gave her fear
Her innocence is gone and in its place you left her empty
In one night you killed who she could have been.
This is called Mirror Mirror
mirror mirror on the wall
please don't lie to me today
for I've had enough of all this pain
Mirror mirror on the wall
You tell me that I am not worthy
that I deserve to fail
mirror mirror on the wall
can't you tell me that I am worthy
that I do matter
mirror mirror on the wall
can't you tell me that I am pretty
that I deserve to be happy
mirror instead you tell me lies
these lies break me
make me hate me
you tell me I am fat
you tell me that I am digesting
you tell me that I am ugly
oh please mirror be kind today
can't you once just let me be free
from all this terrible pain
oh please mirror be kind today
can't you tell me that I deserve to eat
to be happy and safe
oh please mirror be kind today
can't you tell me I am pretty
that I do matter
Trapped In Misery
I see my bones
yet I look in the mirror
bones aren't what I see
I see this child desperate to be free
she wants so much to love herself
she wants to feel happy
the mirror shows her lies
she tries so hard to ignore them
yet they are strong
she tries to make herself eat
she knows she is to thin
however that little voice seems to always win
"don't eat that"
"ugly girl"
"disgusting child"
those are the words that sting me most
those are the words that come from my own thought
I hate my body and my body hates me.
why can't i just be free from this prison instead me.
I feel so ashamed that I trapped myself within this life of misery.
I tried to break free but always fail to see the beauty within me.
This is called "It Hurts"
I looked in the mirror today
the girl I saw was ugly and frail
later that day I looked in that same mirror
this time I wasn't frail at all but fat…
I walked away from that mirror
to the scale I weigh constantly 5 times a day.
I go to eat and calories I must count
food I must not eat
weighing in my mind is so much grief
knowing my bones show and hairs falling out,
I still continue this dangerous route
can't escape the overbearing fear of fat
so lost in thought, so lost in pain
can't seem to save me from me
if only others would see
the pain and fear I carry with me
it hurts to live this life
to eat and be happy
to constantly pretend that all is ok
it hurts to simply be me….. if only I could be free.
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