Hi Beautiful Gals, I know that holidays can be difficult for many of you. Some of you have not disclosed your sexual abuse and you will have to face relatives this holiday season. Others have disclosed and your mothers and other family members have told you 'you have wrecked the family'. And then there are others who have disclosed and this holiday season you will be with your "chosen family", the family of friends and supporters that help you through these times. What ever your situation, if you are on this blog and if you have read "Invisible Girls" you are facing your history and you are dealing with it in some way. BRAVO!!!Hang in there, you will get through your past and you will soar- you are the strongest most righteous girls in the world!! Share some of your ways to get through Hanukkah and X-Mass, Kwanzaa and New Years- Also any resolutions for 2010!! xoxo dr. p
Wednesday, December 23
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About "Invisible Girls"
- Dr Patti
- United States
- "Invisible Girls" tells the truth about sexual abuse as no other book has! Rather than me telling you how the book is touching girls around the world, I will tell you what they are saying! Now in 2009 we have our new and revised edition of "Invisible Girls" - we have added 100 pages, a chapter about prostituion as sex abuse, a chapter filled with emails recieved over the past 5 years- Please check out our 2nd edition! xo dr. p "Invisible Girls has saved my life. I was afraid that I was the only girl keeping these secrets, and when I read "Invisible Girls" I starting telling about my abuse, and suddenly I knew I could be alright"- Sue 18 years old "Invisible Girls" is short of a miracle- I read it whenever I feel alone. It helps me to deal and grow and go on."- Tamar 17 years old "Until I read "Invisible Girls" I was afraid to tell what happened to me. Now my mum is supportive and I know I can heal" Britney 14 years old
i am just trying to step out of my box, or should i say out of my depression, i would so rather crawl in a hole and sleep for a whole week, instead i am trying to enjoy it, going shopping helps too, gets me thinking of other people and not myself. since school is out i decided to have projects and this year they are my christmas presents i am making a lot of them...a nice destraction. i am spending it with people who care and love me, not my real family but people who have filled that hole in my heart....this year its time for me to take care of myself,, i find myself worring about everyone else all the time, but for once i am ready to work on myself, ready to face my abuse head on so i can finally move on with my life...i have hated the holidays for as long as i could remember, but we may not be able to choose who our family is we can however choose our future and sometimes our family isnt in it!
Happy Holidays and a Happy, Healthy New Year to all of the amazing girls and young women out there who are survivors and thrivers.
I thought I'd share a small story of hope. The past couple of days have been INCREDIBLY difficult for me, and I have been unable to put my finger on why. Needless to say my anxiety, flashbacks, and body memories were completely uncontrolled even with a lot of psychotropic medications. My "roomie family" Christmas is happening as I type this. The previuos weeks I was so excited to celebrate, and the past couple of days I wanted nothing to do with it. Today, however, I realized that one can get over hard times, and I am happy and as content as I can be with my chosen family.
So, be well, and Christmas miracles do happen.
Here is wishing you all a very happy holiday season and a healthy year to come.
Personally, I don't enjoy the holidays. Stress is high and I have to spend a lot of time with "him." I am dealing by submerging myself in work. My family does not celebrate x-mas so I have volunteered to take other peoples shifts at work so that they can be home with their families.
My new years resolution is to be more proactive in my physical health and emotional health. I want to find a counselor (somehow) and find the strength to actually make an appointment.
Happy Holidays!
I don't know. Because its the holiday I try to block out what happened to me. I figure that I don't want to make everyone else unhappy just because i'm unhappy. I mean I'm depressed and stuff but I hate when people worry. It makes me want to try harder to get hide how i'm feeling from people. Sometimes it scares me how lost I feel. Some times it gets really bad. I just want this nightmare to be over with. Even though it happened 8 years ago. I just told my aunt 7 months ago. But I'm scared that I'm hurting her by telling her about it.
I try not to cry because it makes me feel weak.
You girls are all so loving and caring of others..... Time to love and care about yourselves the most! I understand you don't want to hurt anyones feelings (like aunts) - I also understand you don't want to be a bummer on the holidays. But try to look out for yourselves.... You deserve it! Holidays are hard for even functional families- there are always expectations that never get totally actualized- so take a long warm bath, drink some co co- love yourselves. i love you all!! xxx dr. p
Anonymous from Dec. 27
However late and obsolete,
I totally know how you feel. I had to deal with stuff that happened 5 years ago, and tell my aunt. It happened to be just around the winter that it occurred, and it was over Christmas break that I shared with my aunt what had happened.
I've been depressed too, and it's hard to shake it. And I totally know how it feels to be afraid; about being lost. I have no idea where I am right now but somehow I make it. I'm so worried, even still, about hurting people with my behaviors, hurting my aunt by telling her such things about her husband, making people angry or sad or whatever because of me.
But these are all transitions. Feeling depressed won't always lift right away (usually never, it takes a while). I sound like a hypocrite to myself right now but, it's okay. These things take time. Trust yourself and your feelings. They're there for a reason, and hiding doesn't help. Especially not hiding in razors, eating disorders, or closets. I know what it feels like. And crying is okay, too. Geez, I do it almost every day, and I feel weak sometimes too. But I would rather cry it out and let it flow out of me like that than hold it in. I still like holding it when I get panicky, but I know it's not the healthy way. You can do it. And you don't have to reach out right away; just peek open the door a little and see who's got a hand ready to help you. You might be surprised.
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