Hi Gals, Recently I talked a little bit about McKensie Phillips on the radio- Unfortunetly she has a new book that claims "consensual incest" Oye Vey! We all know there is no such thing as consensual incest! If you want to hear a recent radio interview follow this link http://www.feministmagazine.org/
Go to past shows Novemember 4th- If you fast forward to the really nice song about teen girls the interview follows - It is about 10 minutes. xo dr.p
Friday, November 13
Dr Patti's Radio Interview
Posted by
Dr Patti
6:15 AM
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About "Invisible Girls"
- Dr Patti
- United States
- "Invisible Girls" tells the truth about sexual abuse as no other book has! Rather than me telling you how the book is touching girls around the world, I will tell you what they are saying! Now in 2009 we have our new and revised edition of "Invisible Girls" - we have added 100 pages, a chapter about prostituion as sex abuse, a chapter filled with emails recieved over the past 5 years- Please check out our 2nd edition! xo dr. p "Invisible Girls has saved my life. I was afraid that I was the only girl keeping these secrets, and when I read "Invisible Girls" I starting telling about my abuse, and suddenly I knew I could be alright"- Sue 18 years old "Invisible Girls" is short of a miracle- I read it whenever I feel alone. It helps me to deal and grow and go on."- Tamar 17 years old "Until I read "Invisible Girls" I was afraid to tell what happened to me. Now my mum is supportive and I know I can heal" Britney 14 years old
Congratulations, Dr. Patti! Keep up the amazing work! I will be calling/contacting you soon about your email. Love you to pieces... :D
Someone thinks there is actually consensual incest?!??! Are you serious? is there really?? wow...I'm shocked...and confused...
Hey Dr. Patti, by any chance were you able to send the books for my book club? Thanks again soo much! We all appreciate it soo much! My therapist and her co-worker who are running it were thrilled and super excited!!!
Ughhhhhhh- such ignorance! Why would anyone CHOOSE incest?!?! *grumble grumble*
Thats out of this word, and they call me CRAZY!
yes it is crazy- we know that incest is NEVER consensual!!! I just want all of you girls to know that we are out there letting everyone know that we know that incest is a crime and NEVER a choice- xdr. p
That sucks because there's a lot of victims out there that think maybe it's their fault it happened in the first place (they didn't stop it or tell anyone, etc) and with the whole 'consensual' thing that adds to the confusion.
I totally agree it sucks! It is really important for us to know that many movie stars have not processed their abuse, and they go public and make it harder for other girls!! xx dr. p
i have been reading your blog for some time now and i know this is not related to the radio show you did but i have read about flashbacks on this blog in witch i do suffer from but i was wondering about disassocation and how that plays in to the abuse i suffered for 4 years i have been told that i suffer from CPTSD DID depresstion and an eating disorder as for the flashbacks they REALLY suck but the disassocation is the most frusterating because i dont remember anything is there anyone else out there that can help with sugestions thanks
Hi Lexus, I have answered you in a private email with some detail. But just to reiterate, I urge you to look at the chapter in "Invisible Girls" on Girls Genius. The girls talk about their alterior worlds that they created to get through the abuse. So perhaps you need to look at the "disassocation" in another light. This is probably what has saved you. Also I don't like to label people with diagnoses- you have suffered from abuse and there is trauma after that. But maybe the "disassociation" is saving you from some really serious flashbacks that you are not ready to deal with. Of course you can heal and have a wonderful life! Keep in touch - xx dr. p
Dr. Patti Thank you for taking the time to get back to me and i look foward to what you have to say it seems that your email did not go through but thanks for your time
Thought you would like to know Mackenzie Phillips has finally come to her senses and realized it was not consensual. Hallelujah!
Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Actress Mackenzie Phillips says she wants to "reframe" how she describes her sexual relationship with her famous father.
Phillips, in an interview to air Tuesday evening on HLN's "The Joy Behar Show," talked about revelations in her tell-all memoir published last year that she had a long-term incestuous relationship with musician John Philips that became consensual.
"I'd like to reframe my word, 'consensual,' " Phillips told Behar.
"As I was writing the book, I thought, this word, it kept sitting wrong with me, but I used it for lack of a better word, and since then I've been schooled by thousands of incest survivors all across the world that there really is no such thing as consensual incest due to the inherent power a parent has over a child," she said.
"So, I wouldn't necessarily call it a consensual relationship at this time."
Thanks for that Susan! You see girls - you can change the culture!!! She had to change her crazy statement because incest survivors set her straight and helped her to see what is reality!! bravo -xdrp
I remember seeing McKenzie Philipps interviewed (I think it was on Oprah!) and being SO ANGRY about that.And about how when she was interviewed it was like oprah was angry at her or blaming her and how her sister was angry with her for writing her book and causing so much drama and pain for the family.And I'm thinking-why is SHE being blamed for causing the drama,when she was so young when the incest started!!!Grrr it made me so mad, especially her sister's reaction. Having been abused by someone in my family until I was 18, I know it's so much more complicated. I'm glad she took the word "consentual" back.
I recently read through a book (it was right next to "Invisible Girls" on the shelf) that argued that sexual abuse is not traumatic in itself,that the trauma is a "myth" and kids only feel "confusion",but because of peoples reaction and our culture, we become traumatized and guilt-ridden when we think about when we arent kids anymore. It made me so upset and angry to think that people are reading this book and thinking I (and all the other children out there) are'nt terrified, shocked , ashamed AND confused when we are abused as kids.It has nothing to do with culture. It feels wrong,and that is universal across all cultures.
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