Tuesday, August 18


Hi Gals! Please become a fan on our facebook page for "Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse" !! Here is what is posted there- Our second edition is printed and ready to go out to the book stores all over the country any minute now!! I just got my copy and it is BEAUTIFUL! Seal Press has generously agreed to give away 5 copies of our new edition !! Here is the catch, the first 5 gals aged 13-23 years old please list 5 ways you are healing/ have healed from sexual abuse!! These copies are donated to you through my publisher Seal Press, but look for more give aways through Girlthrive.Inc. !! xo dr. p

Wednesday, August 5

Invisible Girls has a Facebook Fan Page!

I am clueless with Facebook, my publisher set this up. She told me it is a great way to spread the word about "Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse" . Then I saw girls set up a "I (heart) Dr. Patti and Invisible Girls page! So please add the facebook link to your fan clubs. Just search -Invisible Girls: The Truth About Sexual Abuse. Within a week we have more than 400 fans and over 100 fans from Iceland! And all over the world!! Please become a fan and tell your friends!! love xoxox dr. patti

About "Invisible Girls"

United States
"Invisible Girls" tells the truth about sexual abuse as no other book has! Rather than me telling you how the book is touching girls around the world, I will tell you what they are saying! Now in 2009 we have our new and revised edition of "Invisible Girls" - we have added 100 pages, a chapter about prostituion as sex abuse, a chapter filled with emails recieved over the past 5 years- Please check out our 2nd edition! xo dr. p "Invisible Girls has saved my life. I was afraid that I was the only girl keeping these secrets, and when I read "Invisible Girls" I starting telling about my abuse, and suddenly I knew I could be alright"- Sue 18 years old "Invisible Girls" is short of a miracle- I read it whenever I feel alone. It helps me to deal and grow and go on."- Tamar 17 years old "Until I read "Invisible Girls" I was afraid to tell what happened to me. Now my mum is supportive and I know I can heal" Britney 14 years old